The Pink Connection began with a vision shared between two sisters, Claudia Mostaghasi and Daniela Rivera. Back in 2016 as Daniela prepared to graduate college, Claudia posed a question to Daniela about her future. Daniela’s aspiration was to work for a non-profit organization. Claudia’s suggestion — “What if I teach you my business and eventually we open our own non-profit?” — led to an enthusiastic “deal” from Daniela. The idea evolved over time, gaining momentum as Claudia and her husband, Moses Mostaghasi, participated in a national fundraiser campaign focused on men raising funds for breast cancer. The success of this campaign, coupled with heartfelt conversations with individuals affected by breast cancer, highlighted a significant need.
In 2022, a pivotal conversation with a newly made friend revealed the gap in support for local individuals facing the harsh realities of breast cancer. While national organizations often focus on long-term research and cure efforts, there was a clear lack of support for immediate, practical needs such as travel, housing, and utility expenses for those grappling with the disease. Driven by this insight, Claudia and Daniela decided to transform their vision into action. Thus, The Pink Connection was born as an official non-profit organization, dedicated to offering rapid financial assistance to those newly diagnosed or currently battling breast cancer.
The Pink Connection provides emergency financial aid to individuals facing breast cancer, covering essential expenses to alleviate the immediate burden of the diagnosis. Our support helps with:
Assistance for patients who need to travel for treatment
Support for accommodation during treatment
Aid for covering essential utilities and living expenses
Help with additional expenses that arise during this challenging time
We also offer guidance and resources to connect patients with local services and support systems, ensuring they receive comprehensive care throughout their journey.
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